Life Science Network - insights and exchange

You are invited to take part in the new "Life Science Network" organized by Mercer in Denmark. The network is a new initiative from Mercer aiming to bring together Nordic Rewards and HR leaders from Life Science companies, including senior experts in the field.

The network will provide a unique opportunity for you to connect with peers, gain valuable insights from Mercer's experts, and engage in discussions on industry trends and hot topics as well as contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the Rewards and HR space. We will kick-off the network by hosting a first Event and would host two such sessions every year - in addition to the wider European Mercer Life Science initiatives.


April 18, 2024
15:00 - 17:00 hours


Tromsøgade 2
2100 Copenhagen
(Room 7 & 8)


  • Trends in the industry: Our experts will share their insights on the latest trends and developments in the Life Science sector, specifically focusing on the Rewards and HR landscape. This session will provide you with valuable knowledge and perspectives to help you navigate the evolving industry.
  • Hot topics - client suggested discussion points: We value your expertise and invite you to actively participate in the roundtable discussions. We encourage you to share your thoughts, experiences, and challenges related to Rewards and HR in your industry. This interactive session will foster meaningful conversations and knowledge sharing among the participants.
  • Closing and Networking: Following the discussions, we will provide a networking opportunity where you can have a chat with the other network members, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships. We will be serving light food and drinks.


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