Kapitalforvalterforskning og -vurderinger
Kapitalforvalterforskning for hånden
MercerInsight®, en allianse med eVestment, er en digital plattform som gir fremtidsrettet forskning og vurderinger sammen med data og analyse på forvaltere og et bredt spekter av aktivaklasser på tvers av både offentlige og private markeder.
Du kan få tilgang til ESG-vurderinger, investerings- og driftsrapporter om due diligence på tusenvis av strategier. Du kan overvåke din eksisterende portefølje, eller velge nye forvaltere fra en gruppe kandidater basert på dine kriterier.
Plattformen er utformet for å gi deg en betrodd annen oppfatning, basert på den omfattende forskningsinnsatsen til hundrevis av våre fagfolk over hele verden. Dra nytte av vår innsikt for å drive din investeringsstrategi og ta informerte beslutninger.
Hvordan plattformen vår kan bidra til å veilede investeringsbeslutningene dine
Finn ut hvordan kunden vår drar nytte av aktivaforvalterforskning
Få tilgang til én av de største institusjonelle databasene på markedet
over 6700 ledere*
Mer enn 35 000 strategier*
over 200 forskere*
11 900+ vurderinger*
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Snakk med en konsulent
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You are about to enter a website intended for sophisticated, institutional investors based in Europe. The information contained herein is intended only for investors who are Professional investors or Eligible Counterparties as defined in Markets in Financial Instruments Regulations 2017 (the “MiFID II Regulations”). Any person unable to accept these terms and conditions should not proceed any further.
In Europe, Mercers Outsourced Chief Investment Officer, Delegated Solutions and other Investment Services delivered through Mercer Funds are delivered by Mercer Global Investments Europe Limited (“MGIE”). Mercer Global Investments Europe Limited, trading as Mercer, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered Office: Charlotte House, Charlemont Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Registered in Ireland No. 416688.
Information about Mercer strategies and solutions is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities, or an offer, invitation or solicitation of any specific products or the investment management services of Mercer, or an offer or invitation to enter into any portfolio management mandate with Mercer. None of the content on Mercer.Com should be considered as advice. No actions should be taken based on this content without first obtaining professional advice. Mercer makes no representation, and it should not be assumed, that past investment performance is an indication of future results. Moreover, wherever there is the potential for profit there is also the possibility of loss. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The value of investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest.
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