Employee financial wellness programs

Take better care of your employee’s financial health with Employee financial wellness programs

How do people live, work and save? And how can they be encouraged to take better care of their financial health? These are questions that Mercer’s financial wellness consultants are constantly seeking answers for: supporting corporations in engaging education aids for their staffs.

We help corporations to consider the appropriate design for their financial wellness programs and how to implement it to meet their mission to help employees find balance and control over their finances, now and throughout their lifetime. An effectively designed employee wealth management program can help employers:

  • Bolster productivity, because employees are less distracted by financial worries.
  • Support employee physical health (since people with high levels of financial stress are more prone to sickness).
  • Increase employee engagement on the value of the financial benefits provided
  • Contribute to building a society that are financially aware and ready for life after formal employment

Combining relevant data analytics, statistical analysis and deep human insight allows our highly experienced, financially astute consultants turn numbers into meaning so that our clients can formulate actions and success factors to build their brand as an employer. 

Get in touch with us today to find out more