Board and CEO Remuneration in Europe - Summary of the Top 100 organisations 

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Mercer’s inaugural Board and CEO Remuneration in Europe Report, covering the remuneration practices and trends in the region’s top 100 listed organisations.

Executive remuneration is a constantly evolving practice and is becoming an even more topical issue in most markets. The implementation of the EU Shareholder Rights Directive has brought the quality of remuneration disclosure to the forefront of discussion across the EU. Remuneration Committees also have to navigate the social and political environment, particularly for companies that operate in a regulated and/or multi-stakeholder environment. 

Boards of Directors are tasked with balancing what is right for their organisation’s business strategy and talent context against investor expectations, regulations, political interventions and the media. With the introduction of the EU Pay Transparency Directive and Corporate Sustainability Directive, Boards will require more support to ensure that decisions made for executives align with those made for the wider workforce.

In recent years there has been convergence in executive pay across the region; remuneration practices and trends for disclosed executives have become increasingly similar across markets.

When it comes to pay for CEOs and other top executives, Boards and Remuneration Committees are increasingly focused on a pan-European perspective, and we are seeing more organisations seeking regional comparisons compared to previous years. We are also seeing Boards in US-influenced sectors such as pharmaceuticals, energy and technology take an even more global approach to remuneration design. 

Together with local market data, Mercer’s Board and CEO Remuneration in Europe Report is an invaluable guide to pay levels across the region. To discuss European market trends or any other issue raised in the report, please contact Debbie Chan or Peter Boreham.

Peter Boreham

- European Practice Leader

Debbie Chan

- Senior Executive Compensation Consultant

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