Global Legislative Update, July/August 2023
July 17, 2023
The Global Legislative Update for July/August 2023 provides insights from Mercer consultants around the globe about key legal developments affecting employers’ benefit and human resource programs in various countries. Download the 91-page print-friendly PDF to read the full country-by-country coverage.
Here are some highlights from the latest issue:
- Minimum wage rates: Global employer resources (updated)
- One-page guide: Mercer online resources (client ready)
- Remote working: Global employer resources (updated)
- Reproductive rights: Global employer resources post Dobbs ruling (updated)
- Argentina: Employers provided with temporary alternative to day care provisions
- Canada: Federal budget includes pension, leave and dental measures
- Mexico: New safety and health standard for teleworkers published
- Paraguay: Minimum wage increased
- United States: Supreme Court makes it harder for employers to deny religious accommodations
- Australia: Second consultation on climate-related financial risk disclosures released
- Bangladesh: Universal Pension Scheme to be introduced
- Indonesia: Sexual violence prevention in the workplace guidelines issued
- Japan: Gender pay disclosures required for most companies
- Malaysia: Minimum wage order now effective for small employers
- New Zealand: Time period to bring a sexual harassment grievance significantly increased
- Singapore: Medical coverage for foreign workers enhanced
- South Korea: Upper and lower pay threshold for National Pension Service modified
- European Union: Social security coordination rules for cross-border teleworking revised
- Egypt: Minimum wage increased for second time in 2023
- France: Pay-slip disclosure rules for employers now effective
- Germany: Minimum wage to increase
- Gibraltar: Social security contribution rates change
- Hungary: SZÉP card use with a one-off payment expanded
- Ireland: Breastfeeding breaks and medical care leave law now effective
- Italy: Labor market reforms enacted
- Luxembourg: Employees have the right to disconnect from work
- Morocco: Insurance providers must balance tariff risk for health and compensation policies
- Poland: Minimum wage increased
- Spain: Family leave entitlement expanded
- Switzerland: Paid leave introduced in Geneva
- Turkey: Minimum wage increased
- United Arab Emirates: Unemployment registration deadline extended
- United Kingdom: Financial Reporting Council considers remuneration changes to corporate governance code
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