
The healthcare industry has faced significant risks stemming from the shortage of healthcare workers, rising labor costs and continued pressure on operating margins. While shortages for some healthcare occupations have improved since the post-pandemic period, shortages for several occupations are predicted to remain through 2028. Recent Mercer research suggests that some locations will experience surpluses of critical talent while others will experience significant shortages. In order to effectively navigate this dynamic landscape, it is important for healthcare employers to understand where the talent will and won’t be and which occupations will be most at risk.

To address this need, Mercer conducted a comprehensive analysis of available supply and demand data and estimated future shortages and surpluses for 88 healthcare occupations across all metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the US. In this webinar, our thought leaders will share the results of this research and discuss specific actions that can be taken to mitigates these talent supply risks.



Why attend

Watch this webinar to learn about the future talent supply risks for the healthcare industry and how healthcare employers can proactively mitigate these risks. Topics of discussion include:

  • Nationwide talent shortages and where they are and are not likely to occur
  • The projected (and severe) shortage of nursing assistants, and other lower wage workers
  • Shortages of RN’s and how they may differ by state
  • The outlook for the supply of physicians
  • How employers can prepare for and combat these shortages
