Healthcare value diagnostic

Poor quality of healthcare costs employers $1,500 per employee per year*. Measuring the value of your care is the first step to improving it – the QualPic output illuminates which opportunities are best suited to improve your organization’s care.

Why does your organization need a healthcare value diagnostic?

Quality and cost of care can vary significantly from provider to provider. The cost for the same procedure in the same market can vary by up to 50%. Employers must design their health benefits with quality at the center. Without measuring the current state, improvement is unattainable. Mercer’s value diagnostic tool QualPic defines quality uniquely to each service and category, and analyzes provider performance in a given market. Employers can then map the care their members currently receive to drive next steps.
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What sets QualPic apart in improving healthcare value

  • Independent assessment

    Determine value from independent source of truth with consistent quality and cost of care metrics in markets and categories that matter to you.
  • Risk adjusted review

    View providers’ performance against realistic expectations using risk-adjusted analytics.
  • Deep data for decisions

    Industry leading dataset based on commercial claims, Medicare, Medicaid, Electronic Medical Records, Rx, and social/behavioral data.
*Source: Midwest Business Group on Health, Cost of Poor Quality Report.
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