HR service delivery survey results 

Mercer Leapgen conducted their 12th consecutive HR Service Delivery study in February and March 2023.

With over 300 respondents, we know these beneficial assets will impact your organization's HR function and help identify and develop key takeaways that are relevant for HR teams in the Now of work. 

Learn about:

  • HR shared services operating principles and practices
  • Technology enabler utilization
  • Performance measurement practices
  • Digital experience maturity

Continue growing while being able to innovate and evolve HR Service Delivery Practices as HR functions become more digital. Discover how technology and AI are pushing work forward, how they can make or break workforce experience and the ever-changing world of work.

Digital strategy

HR service delivery model results

Full report sharing insights from our latest research

HR Transformation in transformation

Discover the digital workforce experience. A beacon for HR service delivery transformation. Hear from Jim Scully, Kristin Rhebergen and Mike Brennan as they discuss the survey findings.


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