Turkey issues guidance on integrated pension plans 

October 06, 2021

Turkey’s Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency has issued a circular on the procedures and principles applicable to the preparation and sale of integrated pension plans (IPPs). IPPs allow pension companies established under the Law on Private Pension Savings and Investment Systems No. 4632 to offer life and health insurance along with the individual pension products.



  • IPPs must include pension benefits and can offer private health and complementary health insurance, personal accident insurance, life group insurances and additional coverage, and travel health insurance.
  • IPPs may offer other benefits such as discounted ophthalmologic examinations, dental x-rays, medical checkups and emergency medical services, free ambulance service, free insurance products, free medical and other consultancy services, and benefits provided to the pension account.
  • IPPs can be requested by employees or offered by companies, and are open to current and future employees enrolled in a pension plan.
  • IPPs cannot include employer-paid insurance, but plans paid for by employees after changing employers are allowed. 
  • Pension contributions and insurance premium fees must be paid for separately or from cash amounts paid to the plan member, but they cannot be deducted from pension contributions.
  • Procedures for cancelling insurance policies purchased within the IPP and for ensuring continued pension coverage on termination or expiration of insurance policies are defined.

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