Finland makes changes to occupational health reimbursement 

May 23, 2019

The Finnish social insurance institution — Kela — recently announced (Finnish) that the maximum reimbursement to employers for occupational healthcare costs will remain at the 2017 level for 2019. Changes to the categorization of occupational healthcare measures are slated to take effect in 2020.

Employers can be reimbursed by Kela for certain costs arising from statutory preventive occupational healthcare and voluntary medical care. The next review of the reimbursement ceilings will take place in 2021. Previously, Kela revised the applicable ceilings for occupational healthcare benefits.

Category, reimbursement changes

Changes to the compensation categories for occupational healthcare featured in the Health Insurance Act are slated to take effect on 1 Jan 2020. Currently, occupational healthcare costs are divided into two categories:

  • Preventative and other types of occupational health support to help workers remain in employment General medical care and other types of workplace support for employees

From 2020 onwards, a single maximum reimbursement ceiling will apply to both categories. Employers can claim the entire reimbursement amount for the provision of preventive occupational healthcare, and up to 40% of the total reimbursement amount for medical care. The changes emphasize the preference for preventative occupational health measures and other types of support to help employees remain at work. 

Related resources

  • Changes To The Occupational Health Care Compensation Scheme (Finnish) (7 Dec 2018)
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