Inflation: turning up the heat
Investment management and advisory services for US clients are provided by Mercer Investments LLC (Mercer Investments), which is one of several, associated legal entities that provide investments services to clients as part of a global investment advisory and investment management business (collectively referred to as “Mercer”). Mercer Investments LLC is registered to do business as “Mercer Investment Advisers LLC” in the following states: Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and West Virginia; as “Mercer Investments LLC (Delaware)” in Georgia; as “Mercer Investments LLC of Delaware” in Louisiana; and “Mercer Investments LLC, a limited liability company of Delaware” in Oregon.
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1 We define stagflation as a secular period of weak growth and high inflation.
2 Conflict and Inflation - Global Dynamic Asset Allocation Update - March 2022