Learn more about total well-being at work and navigating the longevity economy.

  • Findings from a global diagnostic survey where we asked 135 employers from around the world to assess their efforts in supporting employees physically, mentally, financially, and socially.
  • A publication from the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Mercer, which provides a set of concrete actions that every stakeholder – individuals, business and government – can utilize to focus on quality of life, purpose and financial resilience to start reimagining what a sustainable and fulfilling long life and retirement can look like.
  • World Economic Forum website on the Longevity Economy initiative, that since 2020, has been addressing critical demographic issues by convening a community of diverse stakeholders to advance new thinking in the retirement ecosystem and promote financial innovations and policy recommendations for a more resilient, equitable and sustainable longer life.
  • In this episode of Critical thinking, critical issues, the concept of the longevity economy is explored looking at three fundamental pillars: quality of life, purpose, and financial resilience, presented in the recent report "Living Longer, Better: Understanding Longevity Literacy," a collaborative effort between the World Economic Forum and Mercer.

Questions or want to continue the conversation?

Contact Pam Wong, Partner & Client Manager


+1 415 596 6412

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