How US Multinationals are responding to the requirements of the EU Pay Transparency Directive.  


Join us as we share insights on how US Multinationals are responding to the requirements of the EU Pay Transparency Directive: broader definitions of pay transparency, increased job evaluation requirements, stronger accountability with employees and works councils, and more comprehensive reporting.

According to Mercer’s 2024 Global Pay Transparency Survey, “only 1 in 3 US-based multinationals say they are prepared for the impact of global pay transparency requirements.” Are you and your organization prepared for what is coming?

During the session we’ll discuss the top 5 things US based multinational employers need to know now and how they can take action: 

  1. Understanding impact of the requirements
  2. The role of job evaluation
  3. Impact on job design, rewards, and pay equity
  4. The need to incorporate benefits in scope of pay communication and reporting
  5. Timelines to ensure readiness

Register now to uncover the latest research findings from Mercer’s 2024 Global Pay Transparency survey and what the EU Directive means for US headquartered multinational organizations. 
