Jess Von Bank is a 20-year industry veteran and impassioned evangelist of the modern candidate and employee experience. As both a former recruiting practitioner and an expert in bringing Talent Technology for better SEO and HCM vendor solutions to market, Jess looks to broaden executive mindset to better design and deliver a workforce experience that exceeds the expectations of talent and the needs of the business.

Jess offers specialized expertise in talent acquisition, recruitment marketing, employer branding, DEI&B, brand-building, and storytelling.

Jess is the Head of Leapgen’s vendor solutions practice, helping HR technology solution providers hone messaging, brand position, and go-to-market strategies. She also runs the Now of Work, Leapgen’s global community for HR, Talent, and workforce experience professionals.

Jess is an active community emcee, ambassador for women’s and girls’ organizations, and President of Diverse Daisies, a nonprofit for girls’ enrichment and empowerment. She lives in Minneapolis, where she races for free swag and raises her 3 daughters.

Role & areas of expertise

General Manager of Luminate, Leapgen's Vendor Solutions Practice, and Community Organizer for Now of Work. Professional expertise and speaking topics include Women & Work, DEI, Talent Strategies for the Now of Work, Branding, Storytelling, Women in Leadership, and general thought leadership around digital transformation of HR and workforce experience.
You can’t change the conversation without everyone being part of the conversation.
Jess Von Bank