The 4 Best Practices for Employee Health & Well-being 

Jan 23 2020

If you’ve already used the HERO Health & Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard), you know that it contains a comprehensive list of evidence-based best practices. However, we wanted to know which of the best practices had the strongest relationships with key health and well-being initiative outcomes: improvements in health and healthcare cost, and sponsors’ perceptions of how effective their well-being initiatives are. We did a factor analysis on the HERO Scorecard database to identify which best practices were most highly correlated with these outcomes. It turned out that Organizational and Leadership Support had the strongest relationships, followed by Incentives (for completing health assessment and biometric screening), Comprehensive Programs, and Program Integration. The infographic below provides more details.

What does this mean?

While all evidence-based best practices are important, these four practices are crucial for optimal outcomes and well-being initiative effectiveness. To learn more about the elements included in each of these best practices, see our recently published paper in JOEM as well as the full HERO Scorecard. And keep your eye out for our companion paper, Use of Health and Well-being Best Practices Influence Employee Participation, Impact, and Perceived Support, soon to be published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, where we discuss how you can put these best best practices to work in your health and well-being initiatives.


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