
Is your Law Firm fully covered when it comes to high-cost claims?

The frequency and severity of high-cost claimants, and more specifically $1M+ claimants, has increased significantly. Key drivers of these claims include high-cost specialty drugs, as well as gene and cell therapy treatments.

New drugs/treatments are frequently being approved and released in the market, with many more in the pipeline. While this is good news for members hoping to manage their conditions, the costs can have a significant impact on an employer’s bottom line.

Why Attend

Join Mercer’s experts as they explore marketplace trends of high-cost specialty drugs and gene and cell therapies, that may impact your medical plan. We will help you understand the risk associated with these claims, and ensure that your Law Firm has the insights needed to aid in claim cost projections and program strategies. Learn how to navigate available programs that can mitigate your risk, minimize out-of-pocket expenses and ensure appropriate protections are in place.

Who should attend

Law Firm Partners, HR leaders, Finance leaders, and anyone who participates in a Law Firm’s employee health & benefits programs, workforce strategies & employee communications, risk management and compliance.


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