Cryptocurrency 2.0 opportunities and risks 

Webinar | 31 October 2023

Clinton Graham, Managing Director and Client Portfolio Manager at Wellington Management, provides an overview of cryptocurrency including its history, current state and potential future. Rebecca Jacques, Portfolio Solutions Leader at Mercer Wealth Management, discusses the risks and opportunities as well as Mercer’s view on the role of cryptocurrency in portfolios.

Watch our webinar to learn more.

The information contained in this video is provided for educational and illustrative purposed only and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research or investment advice, and is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities, cryptocurrency or to adopt any investment strategy. The opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. The material was prepared without regard to specific objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor. Reliance upon information in this video is at the sole risk and discretion of the viewer.
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