The Changing promise of universal healthcare: Canada’s national pharmacare debate 

The details of the proposed national pharmacare program are yet to be determined. A pharmacare working group will hold consultations with various stakeholders.

It’s clear that the status quo is unsustainable. The patchwork of provincial plans and group benefit plans is falling behind Canadians’ rising expectations. How do we ensure that every Canadian has access to life-saving specialty drugs? How do we deliver personalized healthcare, while dealing with rising costs? How do we cover contingent workers?

A national pharmacare program could be the solution. The question is: what would need to be considered as the government defines a coverage model, funding model and its vision for the future?

What will national pharmacare look like?

We believe that any national pharmacare plan will need to include a substantial role for private group benefit plans. Plan sponsors are key stakeholders in providing Canadians with the healthcare they need.

Read our whitepaper to find out the 4 things we believe national pharmacare must include.

Currently, Canadians are able to easily identify when they are under-insured, expect access to the life-saving therapies – such as personalized medicine - and can access information and advocate for themselves in unprecedented ways.

But the costs of specialty drugs and the changing nature of work are putting pressure on employee health benefits plan sponsors and exposing the gaps in our current coverage model.

How Will Healthcare Benefits Evolve in The Best Way to Support Canadians?

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