Defined contribution: Is ESG at a tipping point? 

Findings from the Mercer Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) survey of Canadian defined contribution plan sponsors.

ESG is now on the agenda for the majority of organizations surveyed.


of organizations surveyed are having ESG discussions, at various cadences, with their governance committees and key stakeholders.

Ramping up knowledge on ESG issues is the main priority of the day.


Almost 45% have had formal ESG training recently.


and yet 27% say they do not know enough about ESG to form an opinion or strategy on it.

Among those that answered :


believe their employees would benefit from learning more about ESG.


believed members would benefit from how their workplace plan incorporates ESG.


believed members would benefit from learning about the differences between SRI, ESG integration and impact investing.


believed members would benefit from learning about how to consider ESG within their own investments.

Overall, organizations want to do more when it comes to incorporating ESG into their workplace savings plan.

Less than 1 in 5

organizations are satisfied with how ESG is incorporated in their governance activities (17%).

Is ESG at a tipping point?

Findings from the Mercer Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) survey of Canadian defined contribution plan sponsors.
Mercer survey conducted from September 21 to October 14, 2022.
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