5 Dimensions of flexible working 

Canadian organizations are looking to play the long-game when it comes to providing flexibility for their workforce.

The #1 reason to adopt flexibility? Productivity and engagement – when looking at 2020 performance, 93% of employers say productivity has remained the same or improved since employees began working remotely.

How can your organizations sustain this for the long term? You can get started with Mercer’s 5 dimensions of flexible working to enable all jobs to flex.

Watch this short video to find out more and learn ways Mercer can help you plan your flexible work strategy.

People are asking: Is flexible working here to stay?

Will everyone be expected to go back to the office?

It's time to reimagine how we work.

#1 reason to adopt flexibility – engagement and productivity.

Values and needs are shifting.

60% of employees say they will consider switching employers if flexibility is not an option. Source: Mercer US and EACOM 2020 Study

The good news is… all jobs can flex through Mercer’s 5 dimensions of flexible working.


  • location & infrastructure
  • remote
  • office
  • work hub

 2 When

  • hours
  •  scheduling
  • flexible shifts


  • scaling
  • technology
  • collaboration


  • job content
  • job sharing


  • outsourcing
  • automation
  • alternative workforce

What is the optimal level of remote working?

How do we balance the needs of the business with employee preferences?

How do we ensure our HR policies are fair and inclusive?

Start planning your new flexible work strategy.

Contact Mercer today

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