Canada maintains its B rating and rises one spot on the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2023, which highlights potential of AI to improve retirement outcomes
- Index compares 47 retirement income systems, covering 64 per cent of the world’s population
- Canada maintains its B rating, rising one spot to 12th on the list
- Index sees the Netherlands top the list, followed by Iceland which previously led the list two years in a row
TORONTO, October 17, 2023 — Mercer and CFA Institute have released the 15th annual Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI). The Netherlands’ retirement income system has regained the top spot on the list, with Iceland and Denmark taking second and third places respectively.
“The average age of populations around the world continues to rise in many markets, mainly more mature markets,” said Margaret Franklin, CFA, President and CEO, CFA Institute. “Inflation and rising interest rates have created a new market dynamic that poses significant challenges to pension plans. We also see continued fracturing as it relates to globalization. These are just a few of the increasingly complex challenges that pension funds face that impact retirees in significant ways.
“More and more often, individuals will have an increasingly important role to play as it relates to their own retirement. As investment professionals, we need to help them prepare for that. Each year, this index serves as a critical reminder that there is a long way to go in many jurisdictions to make pension plans function at their best and for the long-term financial security of beneficiaries.”
The growing impact of AI and its benefits to members
In addition to identifying the world’s top pension systems, the report examines the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve pension and social security systems and provide people a better quality of life in retirement.
“The ongoing expansion of AI within the operations and decisions of investment managers could lead to more efficient and better-informed decision-making processes, which could potentially lead to higher real investment returns to pension plan members,” commented Senior Partner at Mercer and lead author of the study, Dr. David Knox. “AI also has the potential to improve member-engagement and help individuals make long-term decisions about their financial decisions. Both advances should improve retirement outcomes.”
The report, however, makes clear that AI is not without risks, including modeling challenges and ethical concerns as well as the need for optimal data privacy and cybersecurity. In developing these systems, it is essential that AI models have strong governance and clear accountability to reduce biases and unjustified responses. Safeguards are critical for pension plans to retain their members’ long-term trust.
“AI by itself is not the complete answer. There will always be a need for human oversight. Despite these risks, AI has the opportunity to deliver a higher standard of living in retirement — a worthwhile objective for all pension systems,” Dr. Knox continued.
Canada maintains ‘B’ rating
Canada maintained its B rating but saw its index value decrease slightly from 70.6 to 70.2 in 2023.
“Canada’s retirement system continues to rank well globally, with policymakers committed to making necessary adjustments to adapt to new challenges. However, an environment rife with inflationary pressures, steep interest rates, labour shortages, an aging population and some signs of a recession poses risks for employers, employees and the long-term efficacy of our retirement and healthcare systems like never before,” said F. Hubert Tremblay, Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor with Mercer Canada. “Pension plan sponsors, their advisors and governments all have important roles to play examining opportunities to ensure that Canadians have reliable, low-cost and flexible retirement savings solutions, while making programs more attractive for employees who want to work longer.”
CFA Societies Canada Managing Director, Michael Thom, CFA echoed the need for continued progress.
“Some examples of how Canada’s retirement system could be strengthened include increasing coverage of employees by pension schemes, through the continued development of accessible and low-fee investment products that are holistic solutions for those who don’t have pension access, increasing the level of household savings held in diversified (non-real estate) assets, and reducing the level of household debt, particularly the drag on savings and investment of housing-related debt, which demands robust public policy solutions.”
By the numbers
The Netherlands had the highest overall index value (85.1), closely followed by Iceland (83.3) and Denmark (81.3). Argentina had the lowest index value (42.3). Although the Netherlands is currently undertaking significant pension reform, the system is well-positioned to provide excellent benefits amid the move from a collective benefit structure to a more individual defined contribution approach.
The Index uses the weighted average of the sub-indices of adequacy, sustainability, and integrity. For each sub-index, the systems with the highest values were the Netherlands for adequacy (87.4), Iceland for sustainability (83.8), and Finland for integrity (90.9). The systems with the lowest values across the sub-indices were South Korea for adequacy (39.0), Austria for sustainability (22.6), and the Philippines for integrity (25.7).
Falling birth rates have placed pressure on several economies and pension systems over the longer term, negatively affecting the sustainability scores for countries like Italy and Spain. Several Asian systems, however, including mainland China, Korea, Singapore, and Japan, have undertaken reform to improve their scores in the last five years.
About the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index (MCGPI)
The MCGPI benchmarks retirement income systems around the world, highlighting some shortcomings in each system, and suggests possible areas of reform that would provide more adequate and sustainable retirement benefits.
This year, the Global Pension Index compares 47 retirement income systems across the globe and covers 64 per cent of the world’s population. The 2023 Global Pension index includes three new retirement income systems – Botswana, Croatia, and Kazakhstan.
The Global Pension Index uses the weighted average of the sub-indices of adequacy, sustainability and integrity to measure each retirement system against more than 50 indicators.
The Global Pension Index is a collaborative research project sponsored by CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, in collaboration with the Monash Centre for Financial Studies (MCFS), part of Monash Business School at Monash University, and Mercer, a global leader in redefining the world of work and reshaping retirement and investment outcomes.
For more information about the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index, click here.
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About CFA Institute
About the Monash Centre for Financial Studies (MCFS)
A research centre based within Monash University's Monash Business School, Australia, the MCFS aims to bring academic rigour into researching issues of practical relevance to the financial industry. Additionally, through its engagement programs, it facilitates two-way exchange of knowledge between academics and practitioners. The Centre’s developing research agenda is broad but has a current concentration on issues relevant to the asset management industry, including retirement savings, sustainable finance and technological disruption.
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