The Transforming for the future podcast series features Mercer's consultants who are helping organisations stay ahead of the curve by embracing transformation, exploring new ways of working, and reinventing their employee experience. We'll discuss the most pressing issues facing leaders today and how to shape the future of work so that your business and people thrive.

In this episode, Mercer’s Global Energy Industry Leader, Milan Taylor, interviews Kai Anderson, Mercer’s International workforce & Organisation Leader. They’ll be discussing the importance of culture when transforming within an organisation.
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Interesting moments from the interview:

  • Importance of culture

    "65% of business leaders recognise that culture is more important for performance than organisation strategy or operating model."
  • The struggle with change

    "More than more than 50% of organisations are struggling with the scale and sustainability of change when they are transforming their operating model."
  • Transforming culture

    "We believe that culture is one of the most important levers you have when you are transforming an organisation. Managing a transforming culture is only possible with the people in your organisation."

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