
This demo session will unleash all employee rewards related digital solutions offered by Mercer covering domains like compensation benchmarking, competitive benefits, market intelligence reports to improve engagement, lower attrition and attract the right talent.

This session will also envelop expatriate compensation tools, end to end mobility management methods via digitized Mercer offerings.


Rewards Area Mercer Tool Brief
Compensation & Skills View WIN & Comptryx Create and maintain competitive salaries for Executive and Non-Exec employees for locations globally, ensure pay equity.
Compensation & Skills View Skills Pricer/ Edge Attract and retain top talent by advancing pay-for-skills
Benefits/Market Intelligence Mercer Benefits Monitor (MBM) Benefits Survey Database-Benchmark employee benefits to ensure cost optimization and competitiveness for locations globally
Benefits/Market Intelligence Talent All Access Portal (TAAP)- Publications and E-learnings Offer competitive pay, Provide attractive benefits, Improve engagement, reduce turnover and access to global market intelligence related to rewards strategies
Global Mobility Mobility Exchange  Move key talent where it is needed internationally. Develop and implement talent mobility strategies.
Global Mobility Mobility Management Platform (MMP) Manage mobility programs with ease with automated tasks, integrated reporting, HRIS and vendor integrations

Eligible participants

  • Rewards and Mobility HR Professionals 

Event registration