Meet Luminate, Mercer’s vendor services for HR technology

We help HR technology providers bring their solutions and messages to life. Our team of experts offer analyst and advisory services, storytelling and strategy, messaging and market intelligence.

Positioning HR Technology solution providers for impact in the Now of Work

We’ve never had better workforce technology at our fingertips than we do today. That’s the good news.

The bad news? Workforce solution providers are way ahead of their buyers — leaving HR and people leaders who desperately need to elevate workforce experience and deliver impact lost in the shuffle.

Taking full advantage of innovation means changing the way work gets done, not just implementing technology. Solutions providers have a real opportunity to attach themselves to the forefront of this transformation, only if they position their solutions and message away from all the noise and place it in the relevant sector of work, or as we call it, the Now of Work.

Said another way

  • The HR market is:

    • Noisy, crowded, poorly segmented, siloed and crazy competitive
    • Changing faster than anyone can track
  • Vendors are:

    • Lost in the noise
    • Barking up the wrong or too many trees, not telling a big enough story, and their products and services are hard to buy
    • Falling short on value, not because the tech isn't good, because they're not challenging their customers enough or don't offer the services and articulation required to get to value
  • Buyers are:

    • Overwhelmed, dissatisfied, over- or under-investing but never fully optimized
    • Desperate for solutions, not just for today but for where the business needs to go
    • Sitting on the biggest opportunity of their careers to drive sustainable transformation for the entire business, not just for HR
    • Squandering their biggest opportunity to produce unique business value
  • We need:

    • Real-time market insights and recommendations
    • Voice of the customer, curated and calibrated in real time to partners who can help
    • Better storytelling to connect the dots, grab mindshare and articulate true business value
    • Strategic advisors, deployment strategy and packaged services to fulfill the promise of technology: not more referral partnerships, industry reporters or paid influencers
That’s why Mercer offers Luminate HR technology vendor services — we step in to the connect the dots, close value loops and change the industry by creating a flywheel for everyone in it!
On their journey to become digital enterprises, human-centric organizations need to partner with HR technology vendors who deeply understand their journey. That's precisely why Luminate exists: our vendor services practice helps solution providers better help HR.
Jess Von Bank

Global Leader, HR Transformation and Technology Advisory, Mercer

What’s next for HR technology vendors?

Based on Mercer's Global Talent Trends research, this executive summary looks in detail at how HR technology providers should capitalize on the opportunities they have to deliver value.

Partner together to change the Now of Work

Access our services in a flexible, on-demand program, define a specific engagement or blend both approaches.
  • Strategy

    • GTM, product, product marketing, marketing
    • Brand and growth
    • Thought leadership development
    • Market positioning
    • Sales enablement
  • Messaging

    • Differentiated market position
    • Value articulation
    • Persona development: selling to HR
    • Key message framework development
    • Pitch collaboration and demo design
  • Analyst relations

    • Product and company launches
    • Speaker placements
    • Contributed content
    • Onsite or remote analyst days
    • Topic research
  • Thought leadership and speaking

    • Development and positioning of white papers and e-books, research reports, case studies and videos
    • Speaking: keynotes, event panels, executive roundtables, customer events, sales kickoffs
    • Workshops and focus groups to educate, share insights, drive consensus, enable teams
  • Research

    • Buyer and customer insights
    • Competitive landscape analysis
    • Market trends and investment activity
  • Content and design

    • Content marketing strategy and execution
    • Asset development
    • Sales enablement materials
    • Campaign concept, development and execution

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