Using skills frameworks to initiate a skills-powered organization
In today's evolving landscape, skills have transcended traditional resumes and job descriptions, becoming the cornerstone of how teams and businesses function.
They have even started to replace jobs as the primary unit of work in many companies. Post-pandemic, organizations are rapidly adapting, harnessing AI and advanced technology to navigate skill-based operations. This shift is reshaping our approach to work and its supporting technology. However, many companies are grappling with the challenge of transforming this understanding into a practical infrastructure for enhancing productivity, fostering talent, and driving growth—a skills framework."
Building on our own expertise in the intersection of skills and workforce management, we interviewed 21 large multinational organizations who are on the skills journey. We talked about their experiences to understand how they are approaching these challenges.
As you will see, our research was guided by several key considerations, including the:
- Structure of skills frameworks
- Motivation for adopting such frameworks
- Critical skills identified
- Approach to skills governance
- Technology and intellectual property (IP) used
- Challenges faced
- Lessons learned
Workforce Transformation, UK & Europe
Partner, Career Business Leader, Singapore
Partner, Workforce Transformation
Global Solutions Lead for Skills & Careers