Top tips for open enrollment in a changed world
The world we once knew — the way we work, live and consume information — will never be the same.
The year 2020 brought a pandemic, global shutdown, and social unrest, all amid polarizing politics and natural disasters. And while the world adapted quickly to “virtually” everything, there remains disruption in the workforce and workplace, requiring U.S. employers to communicate in different ways. This year’s open enrollment season brings its own set of unique challenges.
Topics we’ll cover include:
- How employers should rethink the overall employee experience during enrollment.
- The new priorities to consider when designing health and benefits programs.
- How to build and activate your open enrollment communication strategies.
- Creative and effective methods to engage employees in a virtual world.
Deena Harvanek
Partner, Career | US Change and Communications Solutions Leader, Mercer
James Bernstein
Partner, US Health and Benefits I Midmarket Product & Strategy Leader, Mercer
Time: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM EDT
Timezone: Timezone converter
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