Pay for Performance, Pay for Skills

Winning the race for talent requires that HR leaders prioritise redesigning and developing fit-for-purpose strategies as companies seek to recover from the pandemic and reinvent for the future. To this end, an enhanced total value proposition is what will set companies apart. With this in mind, a competitive compensation and benefits strategy is a key factor when building skills for the future.

Hear from Eva Dolli, Total Rewards & Performance Lead Sub Saharan Africa at Mondelēz, on how compensation can contribute towards delivering the desired results in line with business objectives.  

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • Pay and its importance
  • Pay composition
  • The differences in pay for performance and pay for skills compensation strategies
  • The business case: Mondelez

Eva Dolli

Total Rewards & Performance Lead Sub Saharan Africa

Eva joined Mondelēz in 2003 and has acquired great experience across a wide range of HR roles within Italy – her home country -  across Europe & Global and recently in Africa. She started her career in the Compensation and Benefits arena, then moved to business partnering in manufacturing , supporting the roll out of Pay for Skills Europe, follow by partnering commercial functions in UK, in one of the biggest markets for Mondelez.  She also covered a range of HR projects at Global level, before joining the Total Rewards & Performance in Europe and now supporting Sub Saharan Africa region.  Eva holds a graduate degree in International Strategy from Bocconi University in Italy.



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Webcast details

Title: Pay for Performance, Pay for Skills

Date: 24 February 2021

Language: English

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GMT

Webcast contact

For further information regarding this webcast please contact:

Zwile Nkosi