Protect what you love 

Issue 2, May 2024 I PCS Vision
Do you still need life protection insurance even if you are financially successful and choose not to have children? The resounding answer is yes! We show you why in this case study of a couple who are dedicated to their business.


Valued PCS by Mercer clients are a successful couple in their 30s. They are co-founders and owners of a major trading business. They run the private company together and have equal ownership. 

The couple are in good health. They are thriving in their professional and personal partnership and choose not to have children.

Key considerations

The clients love their business, and have plans for further expansion, but a central concern is that they bear a lot of individual risks because they have many personal guarantees for the business’ credit facilities. 

Another challenge for the clients is the essential, but unique role they each play in the business. The arrangement, whilst very effective, does not make contingencies for unforeseen circumstances. If anything happens to either partner, business continuity would potentially be under serious threat.

PCS by Mercer Solution

After carefully understanding the clients’ circumstances, we introduced keyman life insurance to protect the company’s assets and enable business continuity. Keyman insurance will also assist in helping them to avoid forced liquidation in the event of an untimely death. 

Understanding that the clients are time poor, we coordinated one single medical check for each client, which we made available to several insurance suppliers for underwriting. 

The clients incepted two policies that cross protect each other. 

Total sum assured: USD 6M death benefit x 2

Premium: USD 1.5M x 2 

Key takeaways

  1. High net worth personal and business interest risks can be effectively mitigated through life protection solutions irrespective of marriage and family status. 
  2. Business continuity can be safeguarded through keyman insurance. 
  3. Your age is one key factor that life insurance companies take into consideration. Generally, the older you are when you purchase a policy, the more expensive the age loading on the premiums will be. Other factors include smoking status, general health, lifestyle, as well as travel habits and location of residence.
  4. PCS by Mercer consultants will work with our clients to customize solutions to best suit individual circumstances.
* This case study is based on a real-life couple. Some details have been changed to preserve privacy. 

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